Lesson Plan Title : A Visit to Ireland

Age Range: Grade 9 through grade 12 (High School)

Overview and Purpose: In this assignment, students get to plan a week-long vacation to Ireland. Groups of students are given different budget amounts and need to plan their vacation within those limits. They then can create a Power Point presentation advertising their trip.

Objective: The student will be able to plan a week-long visit to Ireland while staying within a budget.


Internet access for each student

Travel brochures for Ireland

Tour books for Ireland

Pieces of paper with different budget amounts written on them


Divide students into groups of three and explain that they're going to plan a weeklong trip to Ireland. Have each group draw a piece of paper that has a different budget amount written on it and explain that they will have to stay within this budget. (Include amounts that range from extremely frugal to money being no object.) Instruct the students to plan their lodging, transportation, meals, and entertainment. Have the students create a Power Point presentation advertising their trip. Have them present it to the class.

Wrap Up:

Remind students that while they may not over budget their vacation, they may not under budget either. If they have a larger amount to spend, they should include grander accommodations and more expensive meals and entertainment. They should not have any money left over when they finish planning their trip.